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This is a double infusion - which makes the product stronger than typical infusions. Includes avocado oil, wild yam & chaste berries with ylang ylang, geranium and sweet orange essential oils.


This may assist with hot flashes, brain fog, sex drive, insomnia, night sweats, mood management, PMS issues (heavy & painful), ovrain cysts, fibroids, depression, fertility & for men prostate issues.


SIZE: 1 lounce dropper


DIRECTIONS: apply once a day in the evening and morning a pea sized amount to either neck, chest, inside of arms or lower bellly. Alternate where you apply. Do not take any breaks other than the week of your period. Men apply once a day not twice.


WARNINGS: This is not for those who are pregnant, nursing on hormonal therapy or birth control. DO not apply over broken skin.

Wild Yam Double Infusion


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