This is a pre order with (3) items and an add on. Included in this bag is some of the best sellers from last year! Our facebook group is COVERED With reviews on all these blends so if you are not in there - go check them out!
You save {$11} by getting this in a combo set! But you can get individual listings as well.
2 ounce snow whipped herbal healing lotion - shea butter and avocado oil infused with herbs of plantain, chickweed, marshmallow leaf and helichyrsum flowers with essential oils of lavender, howood, and manuka - you can also use this on your lips
2 ounce marshmallow Glow Face Mask - fuller earth clay with rose and marshmallow leaf herbs. This is a dry powder and will last years! This is amazing to use with the moisturizer below.
1 ounce c*d glow facial moisturizer - helichyrsum flowers & h*** flowers in sunflower oil.
ADD ON OPTION: Aromathearpy diffuser bracelet with essential oil 2ml vial of candy cane blend {vanilla/cinnamon leaf and spearmint}. A diffuser bracelet has lava rocks along with gemstone beads that soak in the essential oil and allows you to passively diffuse a scent. The gemstone is a surpise - but it is winter vibe colored. These are handmade by me and is a stretchy bracelet.
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